Decoupling mat for electric underfloor heating systems

SKU CIH Kategorie

Decoupling And Carrier Mat For The Heating Cables

The CI-H decoupling mat for electric underfloor heating systems can be used to control the temperature of barefoot zones in bathrooms, kitchens and living areas as well as wall areas, for example at baby changing tables, towel drying or mould prevention on exterior walls. Furthermore, the floor is protected against moisture, cracks from the substrate (screed shrinkage) are not transferred to the tiling and this decoupling ensures a durable and beautiful wall and floor covering. The CI-H decoupling mat for electric underfloor heating systems is suitable for all commercially available electric heating cables with a thickness of 2 to 4.5 mm. Cosy warmth and comfort - also ideal in the transitional period.
Product drawing
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Additional information


1 m, 15 m, 5 m

Heights (b)

6, 6 mm

Basic material




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